COMPETENT FORGING LIMITED is the company incorporated in 1993 by the Managing Director Shri P.C. Goyal, with the other Director Smt. Kamlesh Goyal, he had already run four different units at Ludhiana and Faridabad in a time span of 42 years and third Director Mr. Vipin Goyal qualified as B.E. (Mech), MBA joined the company in 1996.

Our company operates under very specific, Management principles and all the disciplines are being managed under qualified, competent and experienced professionals. Cost effectiveness value edition and customer delight is our philosophy.

For our company profile facilities available for your kind reference enclosed here with, we shall feel privileged if you direct your formal requirement matching with our capabilities we hope to get a favorable response from your end in very near future.

Area of Specialization, Manufacturing and Heat Treatment
General Information
Description of Factory / Works
Number of Personal Employed (Category wise)
Hours of Working
List of Machinery and Equipment